Kakek 67 Tahun Di Kampar Kerap Cabuli Anak Tetangga Di Rumahnya

 Di usianya yang telah senja, Rudjito, bukannya beribadah, namun malah melaksanakan tindakan asusila. Bahkan korban tindakan asusila kakek 67 tahun ini merupakan anak tetangga berusia 5 tahun.

Peristiwa itu terjadi di rumah pelaku, Kecamatan Tapung, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau. Usai beraksi, Rudjito dilaporkan ke polisi dan berhasil ditangkap. Tanpa perlawanan, beliau dibawa dari rumahnya untuk dilakukan proses hukum.
"Pelaku masih menjalani investigasi intensif di Mapolsek Tapung untuk penindaklanjutan atas perbuatan cabul yang dilakukannya terhadap korban anak 5 tahun," ujar Kapolsek Tapung Kompol Indra Rusdi, Kamis (11/10).
Bukan satu kali, korban mengaku dilecehkan pelaku berulang kali. Bahkan pelaku mengancam biar korban tak buka bunyi kepada siapapun. Namun, kepolosoan korban membongkar malu tersebut sampai berujung proses hukum.
Terungkapnya masalah ini berawal dikala IS (36), orang renta korban melihat anaknya kesakitan dikala buang air kecil. Korban mengeluh alat kelaminnya sakit. Ibu korban pribadi menceritakan hal itu kepada suaminya.
"Kemudian korban dibawa ke bidan desa untuk melaksanakan pengecekan. Lalu dilakukan visum terhadap korban di Puskesmas Tapung," kata Rusdi.
Tim medis menyatakan korban nanah pada serpihan pahanya. Akhirnya korban menceritakan telah dicabuli pelaku yang berdomisili di sebelah rumahnya tersebut.
Sedih bercampur emosi, balasannya orang renta korban melaporkan pelaku ke Polsek Tapung. Tak ingin buang waktu, polisi pribadi melaksanakan penyelidikan dan mencari keberadaan pelaku. Hingga akhirnya, kakek kepala botak itu ditangkap di rumahnya.
"Pelaku ditangkap sebab mencabuli anak di bawah umur. Hasil Visum et repertum atas nama korban kami jadikan barang bukti," katanya.
Polisi juga mengamankan barang bukti beberapa pakaian milik korban berupa 1 helai baju kaos warna merah, 1 helai celana warna biru dongker, 1 helai celana dalam warna hijau dan 1 helai singlet warna putih.
"Atas perbuatannya, pelaku dijerat Pasal 82 UU RI No 35 Tahun 2014 atas Perubahan UU RI Nomor 23 tahun 2002 ihwal Perlindungan Anak," pungkasnya. [gil]
Every year, the romantic city of Paris attracts millions of tourist from all over the world. Because of its ideal location at the bank of Seine River, tourists find Paris to be a very enjoyable destination to spend a holiday vacation. Aside from its famous monuments, tower, and museums, Paris is also well known for its great hotel destinations. Paris five star hotels are one among the reasons why it is considered to be a tourist hot spot in the world. Luxurious hotels in Paris all meet the standards set by the government in determining a five star hotel, and they have proven to provide world class services and ultra modern facilities, which guests enjoy during their stay. Every room is well furnished with luxurious amenities and with other extra services, like 24 - hour room service, restaurants within the hotel that serve different types of cuisines for tourists from different countries, a fitness center, steam and sauna rooms, business centers, in-house swimming pools, and many other extra services to make every stay delightful and unforgettable. But even with these kinds of facilities and extra services provided by Paris five star hotels, not all visitors can be expected to be satisfied with regards to the services they get in relation to the amount they paid. It cannot be avoided that sometimes a guest will experience that services provided to them are not worth their star ratings. An overnight stay in Paris five star hotels is expensive, so guests normally expect that they will get their money's worth. If a guest would find it difficult to enter a particular kafe inside the hotel, they would think that they are being neglected, but sometimes this is only due to some minor confusion that can be easily corrected. If you want to really enjoy your stay in Paris, you have to get the best five star hotels that are within your budget, and study the amenities and services provided by that particular hotel in order to avoid disappointment once you are there. Sometimes, hotel guests presume that because they have booked a reservation on a five star hotel, it would mean that they will get all the services provided by the hotel. Most of the time, services and amenities vary depending on the room rate paid for by the guest. Even though it is a five star hotel, not all facilities will be accessible to all clients. It is important that even before you book a flight, always consider having an advance hotel reservation, so you will be able to study different kinds of hotels, especially if you are planning to stay in a Paris five star hotel. It can also help to read reviews based on the account of travelers who already stayed as guests in the hotel you want to stay. By having an idea about the services and their facilities, you will know what to expect once you arrive at your hotel. Generally speaking, Paris five star hotels are the best in the world, that is why they get such a high star rating. John is an experienced traveler and loves his Paris vacations. To learn more about Paris vacations as well as Paris 5 Star Hotels [http://www.parishotelsadvice.com/paris-5-star-hotels/], check out his vacation website on http://www.parishotelsadvice.com. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Smitth/507303 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3514437

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