Diduga Tertangkap Berair Selingkuh, 4Lat Vital Cewek Ini Disiram Cabai..

Postingan akun facebook Dayang Alnajir menjadi viral usai memposting foto perempuan yang dis1ksa dan disirami sambal.
Dua foto perempuan yang terlihat tidak berdaya ketika diserang, disinyalir sebagai selingkuhhan suaminya.
“Begini Lah Kau Dapat Kalau Rampas Suamii Orang. Kau Rasa Itu Lada Hahaha. Kalau Aku Bagus Lagi Lada Botol.
#kalau_Begini_perempuan_Tidak_Lakuu”, tulis akun ini di caption dua fotonya.
Postingannya ini dibagikan sampai 5.444 kali dan disukai 1600 akun facebook lainnya.
Berbagai komentar memenuhi postingan ini, ada yang sepakat menyiksa perempuan yang disinyalir selingkuhan suaminya, ada pula pendapat lain.
Akun Jie Al Faridzie berkomentar, “Ga usah kasar2 sama selingkuhan suamimu, tanyakan ke suamimu kenapa beliau selingkuh??
Dan kau harus intropeksi diri juga kenapa suamimu sanggup selingkuh,,
Baca juga:  Resiko Pacaran LDR, Bilang Fokus Skripsi Tiba-tiba Kirim Undangan Nikah
Itu cara konyol dan terbelakang menurutq, pake di umbar di sosmed, .”
Akun Aji Omben Busyet menuliskan, “cabe2an di tambahin cabai kesannya cabecabeabean”.
Sementara akun Ina Adeina berkomentar, “perbuatan jahat jikalau mau berbuatan kayak gt..buat apa mengotori tangan kita..
kalau emng seandainya kita di pihak cewek yg udah disakiti lbh baik kita lepasin aja perjaka itu.
toh kita jg ngk tau mana yg salah..biarin aja krna suatu ketika nanti niscaya ada balasanya..jngn main hakim sendiri.lbh baik serahkan pada pihak yg berwajib atau pada ALLAH..”
Lain lagi dengan akun Ly Mue yang menuliskan, “laki ny juga donk di cabein agar gk brni slngkuh lagi msak cmn cwek ny doank laki nya juga salah kan 2-2 ny sm2 gatel”.
Akun Meyti Syg Elly menuliskan “Kasihan tu mba sda odisan dngn cabe…..
Lbi baik ba lpor daripda mba ksi cabai bgitu cba mba klo beliau uda ga tahan lntran kpdisan trus beliau mati gimna mbk..kasihan itu uda sama dngn kkrsan..
Trus klo itu dari suwami mbk gimna..
Kbiasaan swami qt yg trllu mta kranjang trhap wanita…
Sy ksi tau ya
Klo mbk uda ga trllu ini sma suwami apapgi klo suwmi minta trus ega dikasi itu mdlanxa dari qt mbk…
Mf ya mbk saya ngmng spti ini….
Mnongn di lapor dri pda bikin bgitu…”
Tidak dijelaskan bagaimana kronologi kejadian tersebut oleh pemilik akun,meski banyak komenter yang mempertanyakan bagaimana awal mula kejadian tersebut, sampai ia tega melaksanakan agresi nekad pada seorang perempuan yang diduga selingkuhan suaminya.
Tak terlihat terperinci dimana pemilik akun tersebut. Namun dari sobat yang ditag, terlihat sebagian tinggal di Sabah, Malaysia.

The Place de la Concorde is the largest square in Paris, with a long history concealed behind its beautiful sculptures, fountains and obelisk. This square was constructed in gaji of Louis XV, where a statue of the king on horseback was erected at its centre, serving as an element of junction and décor. This statue designated the two main axes, North and South with the perspective of the Rue Royal and a bridge that had been planned, East and West with the perspective of the 'Jardins de Tuileries' and the Champs Elysées'. This was an architectural feat for the period it was constructed in and was considered as a great work of art. Unfortunately the statue was destroyed during the French Revolution and at its place a terrible guillotine was set up, used to decapitate over 2,800 heads of the 'antique regime' members, amongst which were Marie-Antoinette, Danton et Robespierre. At the end of the French Revolution the square finally regained credit for its beauty and was re-baptised 'Place de la Concorde', (of peace), the obelisk was later erected at the place of the missing statue. In 1937 the square was classified as a historic monument. The Place de la Concorde is situated in the 8th arrondissement along the Seine and separates the 'Jardins des Tuileries from the beginning of the Champs Elysées. The gigantic obelisk in pink granite that rises in its middle is 3300 years old, and was given as a gift to the French Republic in 1831, by the viceroy of Egypt, who took it from the Temple of Thèbes in Luxor. Around the square stand eight statues representing eight different French cities, Brest, Rouen, Lille, Strasbourg, Lyon, Bordeaux, Nantes and Marseille. At the North end and South end of the square lie the 'Fontaine des Fleuves' (Fountain of the Rivers) and the 'Fontaine des Mers' (Fountain of the Seas). Ornate gigantic baths of polished Saint-Nom stone with a marble-like effect form the fountains. The figures and ornaments were made in metal moulds and painted using a specific method to imitate bronze, with a green, dark brown and golden hues. On the North perimeter of the square stand two imposing twin buildings built by the architect Ange-Jacque Gabriel. One is the 'Hôtel de la Marine' and the other is the elegant 'Hôtel de Crillon' one of the grand hotels in Paris, once mansion of the count of Crillon. A curious but dramatic event took place on May 30th 1770 at the square, during the marriage festivities of the Dauphin, heir to the throne of the King of France and the duchess Marie-antoinette of Austria. As fireworks were set off in order to liven up the celebration, a fire broke out killing 133 during the panic that ensued the breakout. This bad omen was to be the precursor of an unhappy marriage. Mike Greaves is a self-made entrepreneur, a well known travel consultant and internet marketer. Over the years he has traveled across the world and has numerous writings credited to his name in many renowned publications. His areas of writing include travel experiences including reviews of best resorts and he has also gained expertise in areas of Rue Royal, antique regime and strasbourg. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mike_Greaves/83918 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2688426

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