Ampun Dah, Ini Nih 10 Tradisi S3ksual Paling Gak Masuk Nalar Yang Ada Di Dunia

Kehidupan insan di suatu desa terpencil atau suku memang tak pernah lepas dari banyak sekali tradisi, yang bahkan kadang terbilang nyeleneh dan ekstrem. Seperti halnya tradisi yang diterapkan oleh kesepuluh suku di bawah ini.
Mereka mempunyai tradisi seksual yang dianggap tak masuk logika dan mengagetkan. Langsung saja, inilah gugusan tradisinya, dihimpun dari
Suku Mardudjara Aborigin di Australia ini mempunyai tradisi khusus untuk para lelaki. Mereka diharuskan melaksanakan pemotongan organ intim atau di Indonesia dikenal sebagai sunat.
Hanya saja, cara sunat mereka lebih ekstrem, di mana organ intim dipotong memanjang ke bawah hingga bab scrotum.
Kemudian darahnya diteteskan ke api untuk memurnikannya.
2.Suku di Nepal

Di salah satu pedalaman sekitar Himalaya, Nepal, ada suatu suku yang hidup di lahan pertanian yang cukup kecil. Mereka mempunyai tradisi ‘berbagi istri’. Hal ini ditujukan biar tidak membagikan tanah mereka.
Ya, di suku ini diwajibkan untuk membagi tanah mereka kepada setiap anak yang akan berkeluarga. Untuk menjaga tanah tetap utuh, mereka mencari satu saja istri untuk belum dewasa mereka biar hidup bersama tanpa membagi tanah keluarga.
Jadi, kalau kau punya lima anak lelaki maka kelima-limanya akan dinikahkan dengan satu perempuan saja.

Jika suku di atas membuatkan istri, maka suku yang ada di Nigeria, Afrika Barat ini malah suka mencuri istri orang lain. Tradisi ini dilakukan dalam bazar tahunan Gerewol. Di sini, laki-laki Wodoaabe menggunakan makeup dan kostum kemudian menari untuk mengesankan para perempuan serta mencuri istri baru.
Jika seorang laki-laki bisa mencuri istri dan tak terdeteksi oleh suami si wanita, maka mereka diakui secara sosial dan disebut menjalani ijab kabul atas dasar cinta.
4.Mesir Kuno
Aneh dan cukup mengejutkan. Pria-pria Mesir Kuno dulu melaksanakan bazar Dewa Min, di mana mereka akan melaksanakan ritual masturbasi ke sungai Nil untuk menjamin kelimpahan air.
5.Yunani Kuno

Jauh sebelum ketika ini, fenomena homoseksual sudah marak dilakukan di jaman dulu. Adalah bangsa Yunani Kuno, yang pertama kali melaksanakan seks menyimpang ini. Lebih anehnya lagi, mereka yang aktif dalam seks ini akan menerima status sosial lebih tinggi.


Paris has an extraordinary attraction to tourists from all over the world and all year round, people from all over the globe flock to this city to experience its elegant charm and romantic places. Paris has plenty of iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and famous streets like the Champs Elysees. But, to really experience the fantastic way of Parisian living, you have to explore the streets of Paris where excitement lurks at every corner. Also popular in this city is its hotels which boast world class quality in service and amenities even for a two star hotel. To better appreciate the beauty of Paris, it is well recommended to get accommodations from hotels located just outside the metropolis for you to have a chance to explore its streets while not being distracted by other things. You can try several hotels located in Montparnasse which is another lively and trendy hotel district in Paris. Akin to its counterpart district Montmartre, Montparnasse developed into a trendy and popular neighborhood at the start of the 20th century when it became the center of artistic beginnings in the city of Paris. Staying in this district will certainly inspire the creative soul within you especially if you are able to book an accommodation on one of its hotels. First in my list is Hotel Montparnasse Daguerre located on the left bank. Aside from their comfortable decorations, you will also enjoy the hospitality of its staffs which always see to it that your stay at their hotel will always be a memory to cherish once you leave Paris. Although rooms can be sometimes look a little cramped, they are still functional and spotless with a good reception service at an affordable price. Montparnasse Daguerre is also nearby major Metro stations so access to different parts of the city is relatively convenient. Another worth mentioning is the Victoria Palace, which is one of the excellent luxury hotels in Montparnasse Paris that meets the high European standards for world class accommodations. With spacious and elegant rooms, your stay in Paris will certainly be a memorable one. They also have an in house bar, which is open for guests until one in the morning. If you are on a tight budget and looking for an affordable accommodation without sacrificing the needed comfort and convenience, worth trying is the Comfort Hotel Montparnasse Paris. Although cheap in terms of room rates as compared to other hotel Montparnasse, your accommodation at Comfort Hotel can be quite comfortable as the name suggests and you would even be surprised to find such elegance at a very affordable price. With its ideal location, it is only 5 minutes away from Montparnasse station and from Air France terminal which has a direct link to Orly and Roissy Charles de Gaulle airports. Its 28 rooms are complete with basic facilities like television, direct dial telephone, and private bathrooms. Choosing which hotel Montparnasse is the best will actually depend on your budget while traveling to Paris. If you are looking for luxury, there are several options you can choose from and all of them will certainly meet your standards. But, for those traveling on a tight budget, two and three star hotels are actually worth trying if you want to experience the real Parisian living at an affordable rate. John is an experienced traveler and loves his Paris vacations. To learn more about Paris vacations as well as Hotel Montparnasse Paris [] Check out his vacation website on Article Source: Article Source:

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