Biadap ! Mengetahui Putrinya Menjadi Korban S3ksual Guru Ngajinya, Sang Bapak Justru Menambah Penderitaannya

Catatan kekerasan seksual pada anak belum dewasa kembali terjadi di Blitar. Ironisnya para pelaku ialah orang terdekat dan orang renta kandungnya. 

Kali ini polisi mengungkap kekerasan seksual yang dilakukan seorang guru ngaji terhadap santrinya sendiri yang masih di bawah umur. 
Ironisnya, mengetahui putrinya menjadi korban kekerasan seksual, sang bapak justru menambah penderitaan putrinya dengan memperkosanya. 

"Pelaku ialah RMD yang merupakan ayah kandung korban. Dia warga Kabupaten Blitar yang masuk wilayah aturan Polresta Blitar," ucap Kapolresta Blitar AKBP Adewira Negara Siregar dalam jumpa pers di Mapolresta Blitar, Selasa (2/10). 
Dalam laporannya ke polisi, korban mengaku sebelumnya pernah menjadi korban pencabulan yang dilakukan guru ngaji di masjid erat rumahnya. Namun sang guru ngaji telah melarikan diri dan menjadi DPO polisi. 

"Korban ini sebelumnya juga menjadi korban orang terdekatnya. Saat ini pelaku sudah kami menetapkan masuk daftar pencarian orang," imbuhnya. 

Sementara ayah kandungnya mengaku telah 10 kali memperkosa anaknya. Dia selalu mengancam darah dagingnya ketika melaksanakan agresi keji itu. Perbuatan biadab itu dilakukannya semenjak bulan Juli lalu. 

Saat polisi menanyakan kepada pelaku kenapa hingga tega memperkosa anaknya sendiri, dengan wajah tanpa dosa pelaku eksklusif menjawab 'Pingen'. 

Setiap ada kesempatan ketika istrinya keluar bekerja, pelaku eksklusif menarik badan anaknya dan dipaksa memuaskan nafsu birahinya. 

Kini pelaku telah diamankan polisi. Dia terbukti melanggar tindak pidana persetubuhan terhadap anak sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 81 ayat 1 , ayat 2 UU RI no 17 tahun 2016. Ancaman hukumannya maksimal 15 tahun penjara. 

Sumber: Harian koran
The current digital world always puts an emphasis on the synchronization factor in tandem to the changing market dynamics. Businesses which are quick in response to market change always experience a better environment for them to grow and thrive. But, the question that hovers here are - who all can make the best out of these technology-rich enhancements? Just to lay down more emphasis, organizations that hesitate to work on their pre-defined strategies, or those who stay reluctant to amend their processes/offerings as per their end-users expectations, unfortunately, fail to achieve their mission goals. This article will highlight some of the critical factors that every organization needs to comprehend for smooth and successful business headway: Innovation: Not an exaggeration, if you have attended any workshop, read any CEOs' message printed on the first glossy page of a magazine, or have come across any of their interviews - you must have noticed that they all accentuate the need for innovative strategies. In addition to this, these business leaders also display their eagerness to catch up the roads of innovation. However, there is altogether a different façade when it comes to accepting these prevalent trends listed on the roadmap of innovation. Recommendation: If reports are to be believed, the track record of most of the companies with respect to innovation is too poor to count upon owing to the dearth of right professionals, consultants, and visionaries. Therefore, it is recommended to outsource innovation to the experts in the same domain. In addition, try to bring innovation inside the business and keep a constant tab on market rotation. Work Proficiency: Every organization is in a quest to underpin its presence in either fortune 500 companies, crack a new deal/tender, or to shake hand with new ventures. But, do you think it can be done just by proclaiming or sharing these business aims? The answer is big NO. Recommendation: To fulfill the desired goals, it is indubitable to have erudite professionals, technology, and astute strategies in place that can help them improvise conventional methodologies and bolster work proficiency. Cost Control: A few companies are only concerned about their own profit motifs, and do not put their efforts in bringing capital and operational expenses down for their internal clients. Recommendation: Today, many dedicated server hosting providers have added cloud hosting as the part of their offerings. Notably, cloud technology helps in keeping CAPEX and OPEX in an equilibrated state while giving businesses an access to a suite of IT resources on an on-demand basis. It can be concluded that having a right mix of sophisticated technology, which is again supported by visionaries/experts and followed by strong business analysis - can bestow bountiful outcomes. CloudOYE is an outstanding benefactor of dedicated hosting services in India. Powered by Tier III data centers across various geographical locations, we help companies to manage their websites/applications in the most prudent manner. Article Source: Article Source:

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