Tinggal Bareng Tanpa Ikatan Pernikahan, 5 Sekawan Resahkan Warga Di Rajeg Diringkus Polisi

TANGERANG - Polisi mengamankan lima orang yang meresahkan warga lantaran sering menciptakan kegaduhan dan diduga mengkonsumsi minuman keras di daerah Rajeg, Kabupaten Tangerang.
Kapolsek Rajeg, AKP Bambang Supeno mengatakan, lima sekawan yang diamankan sudah usang meresahkan warga alasannya ialah sering melaksanakan acara yang tidak sewajarnya.
Seperti, Kumpul Kebo tanpa ikatan perkawinan, minum minuman keras, dan sering menciptakan kegaduhan didalam kontrakannya di Perum Senopati B6 nomor 15 RT 10/04 desa Mekarsari, Kecamatan Rajeg, Kabupaten Tangerang.
"Kami sudah ada dua ahad laporan dari masyarakat, infornya sering banyak cewek dan cowo di sana kumpul minum-minum. Kumpul Kebo lah, jadinya kami ambil tindakan," ujar Bambang kepada TribunJakarta.com, Senin (15/10/2018).
Ia menjelaskan, pada ketika penangkapan pada Sabtu (13/10/2018) dini hari, jajarannya berhasil mengamankan empat perempuan dan satu laki-laki.
Empat perempuan itu yakni, N (34), NA (22), NH (21), NY (21) dan satu pria E (29).
Menurut Bambang mereka tidak memiliki relasi janji nikah atau pun saudara.
"Saat ditangkap kelimanya sedang mengobrol pada malam hari dan mengaku tidak sambil minum miras. Kelimanya ialah teman," kata Bambang.
Dirinya menjelaskan, kelimanya memang mengontrak di rumah tersebut sudah dari setahun yang lalu.
Walau tidak ditemukan barang bukti minuman keras, konon kelimanya sering menjual minuman haram itu ketika program dangdutan di wilayah Rajeg.
"Berdasarkan keterangan warga mereka menjual minuman ketika program dangdutan disana. Tapi belum ditemukan barang bukti," kata Bambang.
Lima sahabat itu, selanjutnya diberi pelatihan dan surat perjanjian untuk tidak melanjutkan kontrak di rumah tersebut.
"Sudah kami beri pelatihan dan menandatangani surat perjanjian untuk tidak kembali mengontrak disana," kata Bambang.

Sumber: UCWnews
Is your IT team struggling to cope up with day-to-day IT management tasks? Is this eating up all your bandwidth, refraining you from focusing on your core business objectives? Considering managed IT services can help you derive unique value for your business. It is found that companies that outsource their routine IT management services have the best likelihoods to grow and outflank its competitors. This article is an attempt to highlight the significance of managed hosting services in today's competitive world: Professional Assistance to Fix Unwarranted Issues: The threatening cyber-attacks are on rise, with no sign of slowdown in the near future. With the changing time, security needs are also transforming. To deal with these nuances, it is important to have right security techniques in place round the clock. Remember, don't come to a rest state once implementing the security techniques, or else, be ready to face its aftermaths. Timely up gradation of business applications is the key to success. Keep a tap on your antivirus, firewall, fire integrity detectors, antispyware software, security incident management, and the list goes on. A report suggests that most of the companies lack expertise and requisite resources to manage these attributes. Herein, managed IT services can be deployed for this critical mission. Businesses opting for these smartly designed services can forget the worries of security ordeals, and put their focus on other imperative processes. A reliable host employs a team of certified professionals to keep a constant track on our security lifeline and shield your business against unwarranted issues. Prepare your systems for attack prevention: Besides expert support, the technical team, deployed at the service provider's end, helps in hardening your systems by performing software patching, integrating access controls, and making sure that the configured settings are exceptionally catering to requirements of client businesses. Derive value from Learned Experiences It goes without saying that over the past few years, businesses have kept their security imperatives within their organizational structure. It implies, they have limited corporate experience in tandem to security instances. By bringing managed IT security services in place, a business can leverage from the experience of hundreds of companies, which the service providers have worked with. An experienced benefactor can help you by providing critical benchmarks, allowing you to compare yourself with other market leaders in terms of security practices, standards, and regulations. These benchmarks also give you an insight into evolving technologies, security instances, and suggest which security technologies you should invest in. The benefits of hiring these experienced professionals are several and unquestionable. Seamless Availability that Boosts Confidence The best thing about these specialized services is that your business is fostered by 24X7 security support. You can rest assure and focus on the critical subjects, as there is someone always looking after your business. These professionals are well-acquainted with security nitty-gritties and keep a vigilant eye on your security systems to save them before they turn into big problems. Many companies get confused when it comes to regulatory requirements, such as HIPAA, PCI, and the list goes on. Do not mess up with the list of regulations and requirements for security. Just concentrate on what goes with your company's standards. At times, your business might need process-based controls, or in another words, it may seek technology-based controls. In order to avoid such confusions, it is best to opt for managed IT solutions, offered by a reliable host. Think Strategically and Save Capital Managed IT services have the potential to deliver a smorgasbord of capabilities, spanning across computing to storage, networking to cyber security, and mobility management to unified communications. This, in turn, proves an optimal way for businesses to extend IT talent and free-up skilful resources to accomplish business objectives. Here is a list of parameter that you should count on when partnering with a service provider: Choose a benefactor who focuses primarily on your business demands Seek a partner that values long-term associations Ensure the vendor's breadth of offerings Ensure their experience and expertise Do not over-burden your internal IT team in taking up these complex security activities. Rather, allow them to utilize their time in positive directions to add value to your business with their innovation. Partnering with the right service provider will give your business a winning edge to outperform your peers. Go4Hosting offers best-in-class managed hosting services for organizations across industries. Our swathe of hosting services includes dedicated server hosting, VPS hosting, email hosting, and cloud hosting solutions. We have the right expertise and professionals that enable us cater to your business demands in the most holistic manner. With us, you do not have to worry about downtime issues, technical support. Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Abhay_Pratap_Singh/974229 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9444819

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