Laknat! Takut Hubungannya Ketahuan, Istri Suruh Selingkuhan Penggal Kepala Suaminya Sendiri

KEPALA sekaligus nyawa Alim Nurlatu hilang alasannya dipenggal selingkuhan istrinya. Nola Labutal, istri kedua Alim, menyuruh selingkuhannya, ialah Maujana Nurlatu, melaksanakan tindakan kriminal itu.
Melansir, pembunuhan yang sebelumnya dirancang Nola-Maujana itu terjadi Desa Wailikut, Kecamatan Waesama, Kabupaten Buru Selatan, Maluku, pada Minggu (28/10) dini hari.
“Bertempat di rumah bapak Ali Nurlatu telah terjadi tindak pidana pembunuhan dengan korban atas nama Alim Nurlatu alias Istiar Nurlatu, beralamat di Desa Waelikut, pekerjaan petani,” ujar Kapolres Pulau Buru AKBP Adityanto Budi Satrio.
Kepala Alim Nurlatu yang dipenggal kemudian ditemukan di sungai yang tidak jauh dari rumahnya. Keduanya merencanakan pemenggalan itu karena takut perselingkuhan mereka terbongkar. Perselingkuhan antara Nola dan Maujana telah berjalan selama satu tahun.
Bagaimana kronologi pembunuhan itu? Adityanto menyampaikan semua berawal dikala Maujana menelepon Nola dan mengaku ketakutan apabila Alim mengetahui perselingkuhannya alasannya mereka berafiliasi intim sebanyak tujuh kali. Daripada tertangkap berair dan mereka takut dibunuh, satu di antara mereka berencana membunuh Alim. Panggilan telepon itu dilancarkan pada 24 Oktober 2018.
Pada 27 Oktober, atau berselang 3 hari, Maujana menelepon Nola lagi untuk merencanakan pembunuhan yang akan dilakukan pada Minggu dini hari. Maujana menyatakan, sehabis korban tertidur, Nola diminta menghubunginya.
Minggu dini hari, sanksi dilakukan Maujana. Sekitar pukul 03.00 WIT, Nola menelepon Maujana dan menyampaikan suaminya telah tidur. Maujana tiba ke rumah Alim. Nola membuka jendela samping sebagai susukan masuk ke rumah. Maujana masuk ke ruang tengah dan masuk ke kamar Alim yang sedang tidur. Maujana eksklusif menebas kepala korban.
Nola membantu Maujana membereskan mayit itu. Kepala Alim ditenteng Maujana dan dibuang ke sungai.
Setelah dilakukan pencarian, kepala Alim Nurlatu yang dipenggal ditemukan di sungai yang tidak jauh dari rumahnya. Kepala Alim dipenggal oleh Maujana Nurlatu atas surusan istri kedua Alim, Nola Latbual.
“Usai memengal kepala, tersangka sempat menenteng kepala korban keluar melalui pintu belakang rumah alasannya takut darahnya tercecer,” kata Kapolres Pulau Buru AKBP Adityanto Budi Satrio, Selasa (30/10) kemarin.
“Tersangka membungkus dengan kemajanya sebelum dibuang di sungai yang tidak jauh dari rumah korban,” ujar Satrio.
Jenazah Alim telah dimakamkan tanpa kepala. Namun sehabis ditemukan kepala Alim, polisi malakukan identifikasi. Kemudian kepala itu diserahkan kepada keluarga untuk menyatukan kepala dengan jasad korban untuk dimakamkan.
“Pada Senin (29/10) pukul 15.30 WIT menemukan kepala tersebut di sungai. Akhirnya kami identifikasi kemudian diserahkan kepada keluarga rencanakan akan disatukan dengan jasadnya,” kata Satrio.
Alim yang dipengal alasannya takut hubungan Maujana-Nola ketahuan. Perselingkuhan itu berjalan selama satu tahun. Pembunuhan Alim telah direncanakan oleh Maujana-Nola. (Dil)
In many ways Paris is an excellent holiday location for people trying to enjoy high life and culture on a budget. It's very close to the UK, and fine dining needn't come at the cost it does over here. The point where people often struggle is finding a reasonably priced hotel that will allow them to see the sights of this wonders of the city without breaking the bank. Having lived and worked in the city giving Paris airport transfers for most of my life, I've learned a thing or two about where to go to save cash. Here are some of the better rated hotels in Paris that won't cost an arm and a leg: Hotel du Square d'Anvers Just a 2 minute stroll from a Metro station, Hotel du Square d'Anvers is a cheap and cheerful way to see the city. The staff are polite and friendly, the rooms are comfortable, and it's so close to the centre that you can see the top of the Eiffel Tower from some of the balconies! Fair enough, it can get quite hot and the rooms are a little on the small side, but you really won't want to spend much time in your room when you're in a city as marvellous as Paris. My shuttle passengers are generally positive about this one - don't expect the Ritz and you'll get excellent value in a superb location. Hotel Rive Gauche Another cheap hotel that boasts an excellent location with just the right mix of locals and tourists. Just across the river from the Louvre, this is a great location for visitors looking to see the classic sights of Paris. The rooms are basic, and you may find the street noise a little much with the windows open, but for the price it's a good deal for exploring the city. Hotel Chopin For the price of a night at the Hotel Chopin, it's hard to imagine anything better! Local to the Louvre and with a fine selection of old world shops and restaurants nearby, the hotel is best described as quaint and charming. The staff aim to make guests feel like friends and family, and they succeed admirably. If you're looking for modern facilities like wi-fi internet and cable TV, you'll be sorely disappointed, but for the price it offers a perfectly good room in a splendid location. Hotel Britannique Placed 5 to 10 minutes from Notre Dame and next door to Les Halles Metro stop, it's hard to imagine a better location in the entire city. In terms of value for money, it's excellent and unlike a few of the others in the list is air conditioned, meaning you won't have to risk noisy streets with the windows left open in the night. Its average price is a little higher than some of the others, but if you intend to go in the off-season, this has possibly the best value for money. According to some of my Paris airport transfer passengers, it compares favourably to some of its more expensive rivals! Hotel Langlois At around 70 Euros per night, you can't beat the Hotel Langlois. Just a short walk from the Metro station with spacious rooms and oozing with character, this is the budget hotel that gets the most praise from my Paris shuttle customers. It has many features you'd expect from a more expensive hotel including cable TV (with English channels!) and free internet. One thing though - watch out for the lift, which can be a very tight squeeze. If you're in a large group, you may have to take a few trips! Sure, not every Paris shuttle driver will know where these are (bring a map!) but, if you're looking to save a few quid without having to settle for squalor, you can't go wrong with these. Having successfully ferried hundreds of passengers in my Paris airport transfers, I have a good idea of which hotels to rate and which ones to avoid, and all of these get a solid thumbs up for travellers of a thrifty disposition! Henri Barbusse provides a Paris airport transfer service for Shuttle Direct. They provide pre-booked shuttles to major destinations all over Europe. Wherever you travel, Shuttle Direct can make sure that you don't miss your car on your holiday abroad. Article Source: Article Source:

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