Pria Ini Tiap Hari Kerja Jalan Kaki 112 Km Demi Istrinya Yang Sakit

Steve Simoff, 61 tahun, tak bisa membeli bensin untuk materi bakar mobilnya. Dia harus berjalan kaki sejauh 56 kilometer untuk hingga ke sebuah casino daerah beliau bekerja sebagai petugas kebersihan.
Setiap hari Simoff harus berjalan kaki selama tujuh jam lebih buat pergi dari rumahnya di Kota Davis City, Negara Bagian Iowa, Amerika Serikat, menuju tempat kerja. Total setiap hari beliau menempuh 112 kilometer dengan berjalan kaki, menyerupai dilansir surat kabar Russia Today, Rabu (4/3).

Dia harus bekerja untuk mendapat upah bagi kebutuhan biaya berobat istrinya yang sakit stroke dan seorang cucu adopsi.

"Pertama-tama, ketika kita punya keluarga dan punya pekerjaan, kita harus bisa menafkahi keluarga," kata beliau kepada koran Des Moines Register.

"Dan kita harus mempertahankan pekerjaan kita. Itulah dua hal yang berdasarkan saya paling penting."

Jam kerja Simoff dimulai pukul 23.00. Dia berangkat dari rumahnya pukul 15.30 supaya tidak terlambat. Casino daerah beliau bekerja membayar tenaganya sebesar Rp 118 ribu per jam. Dia diberi waktu istirahat dua kali selama 15 menit.

Terkadang ada pengemudi baik hati yang menawarinya tumpangan, tapi itu hanya keberuntungan saja. Simoff menyampaikan terkadang beliau lebih sering mendapat tumpangan di hari kerja. Saat selesai pekan biasanya jalanan lebih sepi. Simoff mengaku harus mengganti sepatunya tiap dua bulan sekali.

Alasan mengapa beliau tinggal jauh dari tempatnya bekerja yakni sebab sewa rumah yang murah. Dia mengontrak rumah seharga Rp 5,2 juta sebulan dan hanya bisa membayar senilai itu.

"Jika saya tidak bekerja, saya tak bisa membayar tagihan. Selama dua kaki saya masih besar lengan berkuasa dan saya sehat, saya tetap akan berjalan kaki."

Hotels in Paris tend to cluster by type in particular areas, with the river separating the business and leisure districts. Luxury hotels tend to be on the north side and hotels de charme on the south side. In the fashionable districts near the Champs-Elysees lie many of the grandest hotels in Paris, including the Royal Monceau, the Bristol, the Four Seasons George V, the Meurice and the Plaza Athenee. Several less well known but elegant hotels can be found in the residential and ambassadorial quarter near the Palais de Chaillot. To the east, still on the Right Bank, in the regenerated Marais, a number of the old mansions and palaces have been converted into exceptionally attractive small hotels at reasonable prices. The nearby areas around Les Halles and the Rue St-Denis, however, attract prostitutes and drug addicts. Just south of the Marais across the Seine, the Ile St-Louis and Ile de la Cite have several charming hotels. The Left Bank covers some of the most popular tourist areas and has an excellent range of small hotels of great character. The atmosphere subtly changes from the much upgraded Latin Quarter and the chic and arty areas north and south of Boulevard St-Germain, to the rather shabby Boulevard itself and the staid institutional area toward Les Invalides and the Eiffel Tower. The hotels tend to reflect this. Further from the center, Montparnasse has several large business hotels in highrise blocks, and the Porte de Versailles area to the south is usually packed with trade fair participants. The station areas around Gare du Nord and Gare de Lyon offer a number of basic hotels (choose carefully). Montmartre has one or two pleasant hotels if you don't mind the hilly location, but beware of hotels allegedly in Montmartre but actually in the red-light, sexshow district of Pigalle. If you are looking for a hotel in person, the best times for inspecting are late morning or mid-afternoon. If the hotels are full, try again after 6pm, when unclaimed provisional reservations become free. Don't rely on the impression of a hotel given by reception: ask to see the room offered, and if it isn't acceptable, ask to be shown another, if available. The travel directory brings together the top rated travel websites from around the world to form a comprehensive, user-friendly online information resource for all. Also Visit free WordPress travel themes Article Source: Article Source:

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