Mertua Memintaku Menikahi Iparku, Sehabis Istriku Meninggal, , Di Malam P3rtama Semua Diam-Diam Itu Te

Mertua Memintaku Menikahi Iparku, Setelah Istriku Meninggal, , di Malam Pertama Semua Rahasia Itu Terungkap!
Alasan miris dibalik ijab kabul ini ternyata...

Aku dan istriku kenal alasannya kami dipertemukan oleh sobat kami, kekerabatan kami sangat baik. Kehidupan kami sangat baik, kami bahkan dianugerahkan seorang putri yang periang, kami sangat bahagia. Tapi ternyata kehidupan yang senang ini tidak berlangsung lama.
Suatu hari ketika istriku pulang dari kantor alasannya lembur, dia ditabrak oleh sebuah kendaraan beroda empat yang dikendarai oleh seseorang yang sedang mabuk dan meninggal di tempat. Kami menerima kompensasi sekitar 500 juta rupiah, tapi saya kehilangan istriku.
Soal uang ini, tidak ada seorang pun yang meminta ataupun mempermasalahkan jumlahnya. Karena itu kupakai 400 juta untuk membayar habis cicilan rumah dan sisanya kutabung. Beberapa hari sehabis insiden ini, mama mertuaku menelepon.
Katanya dia kangen dengan saya dan anakku, memintaku untuk tinggal di rumah mereka beberapa saat. Aku pun menyetujuinya. Setelah beberapa hari disana, mama mertuaku tiba-tiba menanyakan aku. Katanya saya jaga anak sendirian akan susah.
Pekerjaanku nggak sanggup membuatku ada di rumah dalam waktu yang lama. "Cici iparmu kan masih single, dia juga belum ada apa-apa yang harus dibiayai. Umur kalian juga cuma beda 2 tahun, dia juga sayang sama cucuku yang 1 ini.
Kalau suatu hari mau menikah lagi, saya khawatir dia nggak suka anak ini. Nanti hidupnya jadi susah. Gimana jikalau kau menikah sama cici iparmu aja?"

Cici iparku pernah menikah sekali. Tapi risikonya bercerai alasannya suaminya tidak sanggup mendapatkan cici iparku yang nggak sanggup hamil. Awalnya, saya menolak soal mengambil cici iparku jadi istriku.
Di dalam hatiku masih ada kesedihan yang belum terselesaikan. Tapi alasannya alasan-alasan yang diberikan keluargaku, saya mulai berpikir. Kalau kupikir-pikir, kata-kata keluargaku nggak ada salahnya. Cici iparku orang yang baik-baik.
Aku pun menyetujuinya. Cici iparku sangat sayang dengan anakku. Aku sendiri bahkan sanggup beberapa kali melihat bayang-bayang istriku.

Di malam pertama sehabis kami menikah, saya nggak menyangka cici iparku akan berkata, "Kamu orangnya baik banget, jujur, tapi kau jangan ragu ya buat ungkapin perasaan kamu. Kalau nggak, ijab kabul kita susah bahagia."
Dari pembicaraan kami semalaman itu, saya risikonya tahu jikalau kami disatukan alasannya uang kompensasi yang saya dapatkan itu. Memang benar saya sudah menggunakan uang itu untuk membayar cicilan rumah dan rumah itu kini sudah milikku.
Tidak ada hubungannya dengan siapapun. Masalahnya jikalau saya risikonya menikah dengan orang lain, keluarga almarhum istriku jadi tidak mendapatkan kompensasi apapun. Cici iparku berkata jikalau hari itu saya tidak memutuskan untuk menikahinya, mama mertuaku mungkin akan meminta sebagian dari uang itu. Mendengar hal itu, saya menangis. Perasaanku kacau. Malam itu, saya hanya sanggup menangis di pelukan cici iparku...
Contrary to what most of you may think this is not one of those Paris Hilton news. Fortunately for us we will only be discussing one of Ms. Hilton's headline-hitting Bentleys. The Dh1.2 million Bentley GTC---a product of Europe's largest automaker and producer of VW C.V. boot--- and was previously owned by hotel heiress Paris Hilton is now owned by a romantic Dubai-based businessman. The limited edition super car is one of the 50 ever produced by Bentley. Unfortunately the star of the Simple Life did not like the white interior of the supercar and has refused to take the car. A businessman from Denmark by the name of Glenn Portier has heard of the news and decided to buy the Limited Edition Bentley as a Valentine's gift for his wife, Puspa. Glenn said, "My wife loves beautiful things and I knew she would appreciate this." There has been previous news that the hotel heiress has a Bentley collection. She lost one in a poker game and another one in a car accident wherein she was charged with a DUI or Driving under the influence offense. The Bentley that was refused by Ms. Hilton is getting plenty of attention as it cruises the streets of Dubai. It also became a member of the Portier family cars at Arab run with Glenn having an Aston Martin Vantage, his daughter Diana an AMG SLK 55 Mercedes and his wife Puspa with her new Limited Bentley GTC. Puspa excitedly said, "I always get stopped while driving my car around Jumeirah. The local kids want to know about the car. It is such a fluid car, I love it." There have been various reactions to the refusal of Ms. Hilton of the Bentley but most of them are glad that the supercar is now on the hand of a much responsible owner/driver. And why wouldn't they be glad, the hotel heiress has a reputation for being a notorious driver on the road. Here is the list of Ms. Hilton's series of unfortunate events behind the wheel: o In November 2005, Stavros Niarchos, Ms. Hilton's boyfriend crashed her Bentley GTC into a truck. o April 2006--the hotel heiress lost her favorite $200,000 (Dh734,600) Bentley GTC in a poker game, at a casino in Las Vegas. o September 2006--- Ms. Hilton was arrested for driving under the influence, even though she claimed that the high alcohol content in her blood was caused by not eating during a long day of making a music video. o January 2007--- Ms. Hilton pleaded no contest to alcohol-related reckless driving which has a lesser charge than driving under the influence. Placed on 36 months' probation and ordered to pay fines. o February 2007---Ms. Hilton was pulled over and cited for driving on a suspended license. The hotel heiress was spotted driving her Bentley convertible along Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles without her headlights on. Police impounded the car. Paris had to call a friend to drop her home. The New car of Paris The hotel heiress was recently spotted driving a merk new Spyker C8 Spyder which was given to her as a gift from the Bullrun 2007. The DUI princess will drive the supercar in an RSVP only, week long, cross-country road race that would start from Montreal to Key West. The public is being warned. The Bullrun 2007 is very much fitted to the hotel heiress in the sense that it only involves party, drive, and enjoy. The Bullrun 2007 is an epic eight-day rolling party which is to be attended by of course the like of Ms. Hilton. For more about your VW parts needs like VW C.V. boot, visit your trusted online source. Benjamin Hudson works as a supervisor at one of the top engineering firms in the business district of Louisiana. He is also a freelance journalist and has passion for anything automotive. Article Source: Article Source:

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