Tidak Terima Dituduh Sebagai Tukang Santet, Tinasum Lakukan Sumpah Pocong

TINASUM (73) tida terima dituduh sebagai tukang santet oleh tetangganya sendiri, Sulima (43) hanya alasannya suami Sulima yang sakit kerap memimpikan Tinasum.
Kejadian yang terjadi di Dusun Kelor, Desa Pohsangit, Kecamatan Wonomerto, Kabupaten Probolinggo ini bermula ketika suami Sulisma Matnur (73) yang sakit kerap memimpikan sosok Tinasum dan hal itu terus berulang.
Inilah yang memicu kecurigaan Sulisma sampai menuduh tetangganya sendiri sebagai tukang santet. Tak hanya Sulisma, pihak keluarganya pun mempercayai tuduhan tersebut.
Mendengar tuduhan padanya, Tinasum yang tidak terima eksklusif mengajak Sulisma untuk melaksanakan sumpah pocong, sebagai mengambarkan kalau beliau memang tidak melaksanakan hal tersebut.
Sebelum melaksanakan sumpah pocong menciptakan Surat Pernyataan bahu-membahu didepan kepala dusun setempat serta perangkat setempat. Kemudian, sumpah pocong dilakukan di dalam mushollah yang ada di dusun tersebut. Baik Tinasum ataupun Sulisma, mereka jadinya benar-benar dipakaikan kain kafan dan melaksanakan sumpah dengan kitab suci Alquran.
Sontak, agresi sumpah pocong ini menarik perhatian warga yang berbondong-bondong tiba ke musholla untuk menyaksikannya. (Dil)

How about booking an apartment in Paris for your business trip or family vacation? Sounds good! But there is a catch as it is going to be yours only for few days. Paris is not only known for its furor, but also for its prolific culture which opens its arm for all the tourists coming here. Paris the "Fashion Capital of Europe", apart from the magnificent Eiffel tower, is also home to Louvre, one of the largest and renown museums in the world housing many works of art which includes Picasso's famous "Mona Lisa", and the statue of "Venus de Milo." When you stroll through the tree-lined lanes in Paris you would certainly desire to experience how it feels to live like a Parisian. And if you want to familiarize yourself with the Parisian living style, the most convenient way is by booking an apartment or hotel in Paris. Browse through the hotel and travel websites and look for a Paris apartment rather than a hotel. One thing that comes immediately in mind is why to book an apartment instead of a hotel? Few important things should be taken into consideration before you make your choice. o Paris hotels are illustrious, but if you are the one who is looking for very personalized service attached with privacy then Paris apartments is the answer for you. o Paris apartments give you all the luxury of a hotel added with wider space and where maid service is also included. o In hotels we have to pay for many facilities which even we do not use but if prior care is taken on the choice of accommodation then it can be very handy financially. o Paris apartments give space and security which adds to your vacation. When you are in Paris for a short stint sometimes it goes out of schedule then these apartments give you home away from home feeling. Paris apartments give direct access to internet and provide many facilities but it is important to check it and read-out all the rules and regulations before making reservation. Paris is called "City of lights" and these apartments in Paris are making it 'creme de la creme' in tourism industry. The Author is a contributing writer to the website [http://www.apartotels.com] Apartotels was established in 2004 and since then is operating over more than 3000 serviced apartments and luxury apartments which are situated in all the important locations of London, Paris and Europe. The serviced apartments are suitable for a single person to a large family and business travellers for short-term as well as long-term stay. For more information, please visit: [http://www.apartotels.com] Phone: +44 20 8680 3001 Fax: +44 20 8603 7321 E-mail: admin@apartotels.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kylie_D/130252 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1646333

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