Sakit Hati, Istri Siram Suami Dengan Air Panas Ketika Tidur

NASIB naas dialami Satriawan, seorang kepala rumah tangga di Kelurahan Ngapaaha, Kecamatan Tinanggea, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan.
Istrinya berjulukan Juniatin, tega menyiramnya dengan air mendidih di ketika dirinya tengah tertidur pulas, Rabu (31/10) pagi tadi. Akibat dari insiden ini, korban mengalami luka bakar cukup parah, kondisinyapun terus memburuk alasannya kulit yang terkupas akhir air mendidih itu membasahi hampir seluruh tubuhnya.
Kasat Reskrim Polres Konsel AKP I Ketut Arya Wijanarka ketika dikonfirmasi membenarkan insiden itu. Ia mengatakan, motif pelaku melaksanakan tindakan nekatnya ini dilatar belakangi oleh faktor sakit hati. Pasalnya, kemarin, suaminya mengamuk di rumahnya hingga merusak sejumlah barang menyerupai Televisi, Kulkas dan beberapa perabot rumah tangga lainya. Ditambah lagi, suaminya selalu keluar malam tanpa pamit denganya.
” Pagi sekira pukul 08:30 Wita pelaku eksklusif mendatangi korban, melihat suaminya masih tertidur lelap dalam kamar di rumah tantenya, pelaku eksklusif menanyakan kompor kepada salah seorang keluarga korban yang berada di rumah,” ungkap Arya.
Tak menunggu waktu lama, perempuan yang merupakan pegawai kantor Sekeratariat Dewan (Setwan) DPRD Konsel ini eksklusif merebus air hingga mendidih. Setelah itu, ia eksklusif mengangkat panci berisi air mendidih kemudian masuk ke dalam kamar dan menumpahkannya ke suaminya yang tengah pulas.
Selanjutnya, pelaku eksklusif meninggalkan suaminya dan pulang ke rumah mereka yang tak jauh dari lokasi insiden itu. Sementara korban eksklusif dilarikan ke puskesmas setempat oleh saudaranya. Informasi yang dihimpun awak zonasultra korban sudah dirujuk ke RSUD Konsel untuk mendapat penanganan serius alasannya luka bakar cukup parah.
“Setelah kami terima laporan dari abang korban, kami eksklusif menuju TKP dan melaksanakan penyelidiikan, dan sore tadi pihak kepolisian telah mengamankan pelaku. Akibat dari perbuatan ini, pelaku diancam dengan pasal 351 KUHP, dengan bahaya pidana lima tahun penjara,” terperinci Wijanarka.
Sementara itu, Erlin, salah seorang keluarga korban mengungkapkan bahwa alasan korban mengamuk alasannya emosi mencari kunci motor ketika hendak berangkat kerja. Korban merupakan karyawan di salah satu perusahaan tambang.
“Sebenarnya pelaku dengan korban kita masih keluarga ji semua, kita juga sesalkan insiden ini dapat terjadi. Hanya problem kunci motor jadinya hingga sejauh ini,” ujar Erlin sepupu korban.
Dikatakannya, pelaku dan korban gres saja melangsungkan ijab kabul sekitar setahun yang kemudian dan belum dikaruniai anak. (Zee)
(Sumber: Zona Sultra)
The capital of France, Paris is known as city of lovers. As Audrey Hepburn very famously said in the movie Sabrina, Paris is "always a good idea". Why the city has earned the sobriquet of being the city of lovers will always be up for debate, but what many fluttering hearts around the world know is that there is nothing akin to holding hands while gazing up at the flickering lights on the Eiffel Tower, or taking a romantic stroll along the Seine. More than any other city on the planet, Paris tells you to let go and lean back and enjoy the most beautiful things in Life - love and laughter. The Language of Love French has always been considered the language of love. Maybe it's the way pronouncing the nasal vowels requires one to pucker their lips, or maybe it's the bon mots, but when you are in France love is always in the air. And even more so in Paris, where glamorous women sashay down the streets like a dream and the concept of love gets idolized in every form. Parisians pour their heart into everything they do- from food to fashion, and the result is more often than not an endless surprise of creativity and genius. It is perhaps apt that the most famous painting of the Italian maestro da Vinci hangs in the Louvre. The Monalisa; the girl with the mysterious and bewitching smile, is quintessentially Parisian, with Paris being a city with heart of a girl - soft, shy, seductive, and entirely mesmerizing. The Ultimate in Luxury Paris is effortlessly chic. Paris is luxury that is not embarrassed by its own grandeur. It is ultra modern and ultra glam. When you are in Paris and you want to make the best of it, you have to partake the experience of living in the city's posh hotels. There is no dearth of famous hotels in Paris, and you can take your pick from the five and four star hotels in the city. For those on a tighter budget, the 3-star hotel options too are great. Backpacker friendly, this city has a lot of hostels and apartment options as well. A City for all Seasons Paris is a perennial city, where its cafe and streets are still buzzing with activity in fall and winter. Pride and panache in equal measure can be found in the city's sidewalk cafe and bookstalls lining the river, and allows for a unique experience, one that can be as exciting as any of the city's grand monuments. For first timers, it is recommended that you take at least 5 days to see whole of Paris including its various museums and architectural wonders. For avid travelers, Paris is also a wonderful base to explore the French countryside and the Rivera. Golden Tulip chain of hotels has its branches all over Paris, so finding accommodation in this romantic city is never a hassle. Visit - Article Source: Article Source:

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