20 Tahun Jadi Pemulung, Nenek Ini Naik Haji Dari Tabungannya

 Perjuangan Murip Hasan Kasan benar-benar layak diacungi jempol. Selama lebih dari 20 tahun, nenek 70 tahun ini mengumpulkan uangnya dari hasil mengais sampah dan menjadi pemijat panggilan untuk naik haji.
Keinginan janda empat anak untuk berangkat haji itu pun terkabulkan. Wanita yang dekat disapa Mbah Murip itu pun alhasil berangkat ke tanah suci.
Dia tergabung di kloter 18. Saat ditemui di lorong Asrama Haji Embarkasi Surabaya, Mbah Murip tengah memijat rekan sesama calon jemaah haji.
Selain berprofesi pemijat, warga Desa Bulu Brangsi, Laren, Lamongan ini juga mengais rejeki sebagai pemulung. Sejak usia 30 tahun, Mbah Murip telah bekerja demi menghidupi keluarga alasannya suaminya telah meninggal.
Akibat kesulitan ekonomi, Mbah Murip terpaksa menitipkan empat anaknya di panti asuhan. Sejak itu pula, ia hidup sebatang kara dan menekuni dua pekerjaan secara bersamaan.
“Niat untuk berhaji alhasil muncul, alasannya sering melihat gambar kakbah di rumah salah satu ulama yang tak jauh dari rumah,” kata Mbah Murip.
Mbah Murip berniat untuk berhaji dengan mengumpulkan hasil kerjanya sedikit demi sedikit. Uang yang dikumpulkan setiap bulan dan dititipkan ke Haji Toha, seorang ulama di desa setempat.
Selama lebih 20 tahun, hasil tabungannya terkumpul dan cukup untuk berangkat haji.
Oleh Haji Toha, Mbah Murip didaftarkan sebagai CJH pada 2010 lalu. Kehidupan yang serba kekurangan tak menciptakan Mbah Murip lupa pada kondisi sosial di sekitarnya.
Selain menabung, Mbah Murip menyisihkan rejekinya untuk empat anaknya, dan sejumlah anak yatim yang berada di panti asuhan.
Niat dan harapannya untuk berhaji ini sangat sederhana. “Hanya ingin dosa-dosanya diampuni dan dikenal sebagai insan yang baik ketika tutup usia,” imbuhnya.
Tak hanya itu, Mbah Murp berharap keempat anaknya menjadi anak soleh dan kelak bisa berhaji ibarat dirinya.


Checking with a travel agent can be a great idea to get an informed decision on what are the best hotels available in a particular area you are searching for. Using the Internet to find your Paris hotel can be very beneficial. The best way to tell if the hotel is of high quality is by the number of stars it is rated. The more stars the nicer the hotel is. The higher the star rating will also mean the better choice of room improvements, accessories and how experienced the staff will be. The important thing is to look for options when you are looking for your hotel in Paris. Location is a very important thing to most vacationers. You need to decide if you want to be near a historical site or in some of the famous gardens of Paris. You may also want to have a hotel that is near the beaches. You may find that you want a hotel that has an Internet connection. Some of the more expensive hotels have wireless Internet throughout the hotel so that you have a connection to your computer whenever you need it. Many hotels in Paris also have restaurants built into the hotel to provide you with convenience and an easy way to find somewhere to eat. There are also hotels available that are near the shopping districts or financial institutions. There are many four-star hotels throughout Paris. One of the finer hotels is called Le Meridren Etoile which is on the side of the river bank that looks over the Palais De Congres building. The hotel Le Meridren Etoile was renovated in recent years including rooms and overall look. The rooms now offer you a comfortable and more modern place to enjoy your stay. The Le Meridren Etoile includes a restaurant, the ability to choose rooms, as well as rooms that are non-smoking. Each room comes with world-class room service as well. The rooms are designed with soundproof walls to avoid hearing noisy room neighbors. For those worried about leaving their children alone when they want to get away or visit the restaurant, there is a babysitting service available through the hotel. There is wireless Internet service available 24 hours throughout the day. For those who like a more outdoor experience Paris is home to many garden or outdoor like hotels. Many of the garden designed hotels are very well suited for business individuals or simply those looking for a peaceful vacation in Paris. The best way to make reservations for the hotel that you are interested in is to simply find an online hotel booking site. These sites will often offer you the ability to book your room as well as see detailed reviews on each hotel that users contribute. Take special interest in finding a website that is reputable possibly through friends or family when making a final decision. Hotel review websites are also a great way to find unbiased reviews about hotels your interested in. The reviews on each site should be written by people who have actually stayed in the hotels in question. These reviews will help you to make a final decision on what hotel you would like to spend your vacation at. These reviews will also greatly improve your chances of having a more enjoyable vacation. Brian has been writing articles and informational guides for over two years. To view some of his latest work visit [http://waitingroomfurniture.net/] which provides in-depth information regarding waiting room furniture [http://waitingroomfurniture.net/] and more ideas to help improve your office waiting room. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Brian_Kerr/55392 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4174261

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