Waspadalah! Inilah Ancaman Minum Air Isi Ulang Yang Jarang Diketahui Publik, Efeknya Fatal

Dahulu kala, masyarakat Indonesia memasak air (sumur) terlebih dahulu sebelum dikonsumsi. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghilang kuman sehingga tidak menimbulkan penyakit.
Seiring berkembangnya zaman, kebiasaan tersebut hilang dan digantikan dengan air kemasan. Ya, ada banyak pula air kemasan yang dapat diisi ulang, bahkan harganya sangat murah.
Apakah Anda pelanggan air isi ulang? Waspadalah, ternyata mengonsumsi air isi ulang juga menjadikan efek ancaman bagi kesehatan, menyerupai yang dilansir di doktersehat.com (30/10/18).
1. Rentan terhadap ancaman kuman dan bakteri

wajibbaca.com (ilustrasi)
Kita mungkin sering melihat depot air isi ulang memasang goresan pena atau mengklaim jikalau air telah disterilisasi dan memakai teknologi penyaringan tercanggih. Ya, memang banyak depot air isi ulang yang menjaga kesterilan air, namun ada banyak pula depot yang tak menghiraukan itu.
Misalnya, ketika membersihkan galon, biasanya si penunggu depot memakai sikat. Kemudian ada pembeli lain datang. Si penunggu depot itu juga membersihkan galonnya dengan sikat yang sama. Nah, hal ini akan menciptakan kuman dan basil dari galon sebelumnya akan tercampur ke galon berikutnya. Iya, kan?
Apalagi, kita ketahui bersama, si penunggu depot membersihkan galon hanya memakai air saja, tanpa adonan lain.
2. Lokasi depot air yang berisiko terkena kuman

tribunnews.com (ilustrasi)
Biasanya depot air isi ulang berada di pinggir jalan (jalan raya). Tentu, hal ini berisiko terkena debu, polusi dan banyak sekali basil serta kuman. Pertimbangkan itu.
3. Sumber air tidak jelas

tanindo.net (ilustrasi)
Anda pernah diberi tahu sumber air depot air isi ulang yang Anda beli? Tidak pernah, kan? Bisa jadi mereka memakai sumber dari pabrik yang kesterilan airnya tidak dapat dipercaya. Iya, kan?
Perlu Anda ketahui, air isi ulang dapat membawa banyak sekali basil menyerupai basil e-coli atau salmonela. Tentunya, akan menjadikan efek fatal bagi kesehatan tubuh.
Itulah efek ancaman mengonsumsi air isi ulang, menyerupai yang dilansir di doktersehat.com (30/10/18). Bagaimana berdasarkan Anda? Semoga artikel ini dapat memberi wawasan gres untuk Anda.
The Greater London area has over 100,000 hotel rooms, and the city states that there are over 70,000 hotels ranging from 3 to 5 stars within 10 kilometers of Central London. We do not need to be rocket scientists to see that that is a whopping lot of hotels. With that many establishments spanning a history that goes way back, it is interesting to note that these hotels have different styles that reflect their times. Some reports indicate that, since the mid-1990s, there has been rapid hotel expansion in the city. In recent years alone, there have been over 1000 hotel rooms that opened in London. Still, modern hotels started popping up since the early 19th century. Before that, some smaller types of hotels were prevalent in the city to serve travelers. That is why, to this day, London's hotels remain a mix of different and similar styles, with each one being influenced by some encompassing architectural or artistic movement. In the Victorian period, where the Victorian architectural style predominantly used in the masa showed the face off between Gothic and Classical styles. A prime example of such a hotel fashioned in Victorian trappings is the Langham Hotel, currently one of the best known grand hotels in the traditional style. Back when it opened in 1865, the hotel was considered the largest hotel in the city-and also the most modern. While the hotel has undergone some extensive renovations over the years, it remains one of the most iconic structures in the London hotel scene. Other iconic grand hotels remain in service in London, not the least of which are the following: the luxurious Ritz, the Savoy, and the London Hilton. The London Hilton was built with modern design influences, on top of being the tallest hotel in the city. The Ritz hotel needs no introduction to most people. Synonymous with grandeur and luxury, this building with French chateau styling is similar to it's sister, the Hotel Ritz Paris. Charles Mewes, who also worked on the Hotel Ritz Paris, was co-architect with Arthur Davis. The equally-luxurious Dorchester Hotel in Mayfair, which was opened back in 1931, has an art deco exterior that complements its rooms that are heavily influenced by Georgian country houses. Art deco revolves around concepts such as stepped forms and curves that highlight the streamlined designs. With many old hotels, there have been numerous renovations that serve practicality as well as aesthetics. There have also been hotels that were converted from office buildings constructed back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Franklin Hotel in Knightsbridge is styled in English country house style. The Draycott Hotel in Chelsea, in contrast, is formed by three houses built in the 1890s. There are also hotels that are built from Victorian masa houses, such as the Baglioni Hotel in South Kensington. With so many hotels covering a long period of time, it is only natural that London's establishments also depict a great many styles in terms of overall design and architecture. It is a beauty to look at, seeing as the hotels themselves become mirrors of the rich culture and history of the United Kingdom capital of London. London Budget Hotels [http://www.hotelslondontravel.com] provides comprehensive information on London travel and detailed reviews of the hotels and accommodation available in London. Check out the best offers, and also the excellent reviews of each of the available hotels at this fantastic site. If you are looking for affordable Paris Hotels to spend your nights in Paris (France), do also checkout our fabulous recommendations at Paris Budget Hotels. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kelvin_Kong/67822 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3486499

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