Ngeri! Pencari Jasad Korban Lion Air Jt610 Dipanggil Oleh Sosok Perempuan Di Dasar Laut

PROSES penyelamatan korban dan bangkai kapal Lion Air nomor penerbangan JT 610 terus dilakukan. Tak hanya dari TNI, Polisi Republik Indonesia dan Basarnas, proses penyelamatan juga melibatkan komunitas selam, salah satunya ialah POSSI, Persatuan Olahraga Selam Seluruh Indonesia.
Salah satu penyelam Possi dari Semarang berjulukan Malik, menyampaikan bahwa dirinya kerap dilibatkan dalam proses penyelamatan ibarat ini.
Dia menceritakan dari mulai tidak biasa mengangkat bab badan korban hingga kesannya hal itu menjadi hal yang tidak asing lagi baginya.
“Lama kelamaan ya terbiasa juga. Karena saya sudah beberapa kali dipanggil Basarnas dari Semarang untuk ikut proses penyelamatan kaya ini,” kata Malik.
Untuk menjadi penyelam yang ikut dalam penyelamatan bersama Basarnas, tidak hanya menurut kemauan, tetapi juga dipilih lantaran sudah mempunyai kemampuan.
Beberapa kriteria yang dipilih ialah orang tersebut harus mempunyai kemampuan menyelam yang baik, fokus, dan juga gampang bergaul.
“Orangnya harus berilmu bergaul. Karena jikalau SAR gini kan nanti akan bertemu banyak orang dari mana saja, kita kolaborasi melaksanakan pencarian. Kaprikornus tidak bisa orang yang kaku,” ujarnya.
Malik mengatakan, dalam menyelam ketika pencarian penumpang JT 610 di Laut Jaya Karawang ini, ia memang sudah mengalami beberapa insiden aneh. Seperti tiba-tiba ada bunyi yang memanggil padahal ia sedang berada di kedalaman puluhan meter di bawah laut.
“Iya memang kadang mengalami hal semacam itu, tapi saya biasa saja lantaran hal-hal ibarat itu di Quran kan memang ada. Jin dan Manusia itu memang diciptakan oleh Allah,” ujarnya.
Selain Malik, seorang penyelam dari Tentara Nasional Indonesia AL yang enggan disebutkan namanya juga mengaku kerap mengalami hal serupa. Dia ibarat mendengar ada bunyi perempuan yang berteriak memanggil ketika ia melaksanakan penyelaman untuk mencari korban pesawat Lion Air JT 610.
Namun penyelam dari Kopaska ini enggan untuk berpikiran negatif. Dia menganggap hal itu hanya halusinasi saja.
“Kita ibarat merasakan, ada yang teriak manggil. Tapi kita enggak hiraukan. Kita anggap itu paling bab dari halusinasi saja,” ujarnya.
sumber :
When we think about hotels, we practically conjure images of grand structures and wide-open spaces. When it comes to hotels, though, bigger does not always mean better. There are some travelers who seek the appeal afforded only by the smaller hotels, with their quiet atmospheres or the particular moods and themes they evoke. Let us take a look at some small hotels in Paris and see the difference for ourselves. One of the great examples of small hotels nestled in the bustling French capital is the Hotel Daniel, which can be found between the Champs-Elysees and the rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore. Right after entering one of the hotel's reception rooms, one can immediately see that there is an inter-play between Eastern and Western elements in the overall mood of this particular establishment. The reception rooms also function in a manner similar to tea salons. The hotel has only 26 rooms, but each one is high in ambiance and features a certain air of sophistication right from seeing the Asian-influenced wallpaper-the art is reminiscent of early Oriental prints-adorning the walls and the intricate interior decorations and unique contemporary furniture. The fusion continues to the hotel's restaurant where fine French cuisine is mixed amicably with oriental cooking. For some small hotels, one unifying theme cannot cut it. The chic Hotel de la Sorbonne in the Left Bank area has 38 rooms, each with bedrooms that have different decorations, characteristics, and with differences even in the included amenities. The only similarity between the rooms is that each one has an iMac-for use with the hotel's free internet access as well as for multimedia enjoyment. There is more to the hotel than just being a hospitality establishment. It also caters to the interests and welfare of artists and photographers. Their Design de la Sorbonne acting as a more than adequate gallery for contemporary artists. So, if one wants to see a good slice of the Paris art scene, Hotel de la Sorbonne is a nice place to visit. The Hotel de Vendome, a 29-room hotel situated at the heart of the city, exudes a different aura-one of traditional luxury mixed with contemporary lavishness. Its great antiques, intricate chandeliers, and oak-paneled walls neatly concealed by a very unassuming exterior-a clear lesson that one must not judge books by their covers, as the saying goes. The 18th-century masa hotel has been fitted with modern implements, but retains its old-school appeal by preserving the general atmosphere in the interiors. The hotel has also added a restaurant, which was previously absent from the premises. With the three examples above, it is clear that, while small hotels may have fewer rooms, they have more room to establish a unique identity for themselves. It is hard to keep a certain profile when you are a towering structure with hundreds of rooms, after all. This is why tourists who go to Paris might prefer booking at the city's smaller establishments, so that they can experience something different and so that they can bask in an atmosphere that is equally unique. Smaller hotels indeed have their markets, and with people becoming even pickier as time goes by, small hotels in the right niche and with the right kind of personality should continue to thrive. London Budget Hotels [] provides comprehensive information on London travel and detailed reviews of the hotels and accommodation available in London. Check out the best offers, and also the excellent reviews of each of the available hotels at this fantastic site. If you are looking for affordable Paris Hotels to spend your nights in Paris (France), do also checkout our fabulous recommendations at Paris Budget Hotels. Article Source: Article Source:

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