Kecewa Anaknya Perempuan, Ayah Ini Lemparkan Bayinya Dari Ketinggian 30 Meter

SAAT sang istri mengandung untuk kali keempat, Li harap-harap cemas. Tak terkira harapannya untuk menyambut kehadiran bayi laki-laki. Tapi rupanya takdir membuatnya tak sanggup membendung kecewa ketika buah hati yang lahir di di Gaozhou, Provinsi Guangdong, Cina Jumat kemudian itu ternyata berkelamin perempuan.
Melansir Galamedia, hanya enam jam sehabis menatapnya untuk pertama kali, Li membawa bayi mungilnya. Berikutnya yaitu agresi yang memicu gelombang kemarahan. Entah apa yang ada dalam pikirannya ketika ia memasukkan darah dagingnya sendiri ke dalam tas nilon dan menentengnya seolah bukan apa-apa.Li kemudian berjalan ke tempat hutan terdekat. Di sana ia melempar kemarahan dengan melempar anak wanita yang dikantonginya dari ketinggian.
Namun 12 jam sehabis dilempar, ternyata si bayi ditemukan selamat. Tas yang dilempar ayahnya sendiri tadi menyangkut di antara ranting yang sama sekali tak melukai. Polisi melaksanakan pencarian sehabis menerima laporan dari seorang dokter di Magui Health Centre. Gaozhhou Television menyebut dokter yang tak disebutkan namanya itu melaporkan hilangnya jabang bayi yang gres beberapa jam dilahirkan.
Tak perlu waktu usang kecurigaan mengarah pada Li yang ketika diinterogasi tak mengelak dari tuduhan. Dari pengakuannya polisi dan sukarelawan menyisir lokasi di mana ayah yang gelap mata itu membuang bayinya. Menuruni tebing, salah seorang petugas yang diturunkan mendengar tangisan bayi sekitar 30 meter dari tepian tebing. Sejumlah reporter ikut menunggu bersama kerabat korban.
Dari klip video yang kemudian viral terlihat bagaimana seorang suster dan dokter mengeluarkan bayi merah dari tas nilon dan memeriksanya sebelum dibawa ke rumah sakit. Hasil investigasi tak ada luka serius pada badan bayi yang sekarang sudah kembali ke pangkuan ibunya.
Sementara itu, dari keterangan pada polisi Li ternyata sudah dikaruniai seorang putra. Tepatnya, dua orang putri dan seorang anak laki-laki. Tapi rupanya ia sangat ingin punya anak pria lagi dan ketika tahu si bungsu wanita ia menentukan membuangnya. (Zee)
Heir to the 'Hilton Hotels' Dynasty, Paris Hilton was born to be wealthy and successful. Through her family connections, Ms. Hilton began showing an interest in acting and landed the well-known reality show "The Simple Life" opposite Nicole Richie, daughter of Lionel Richie. The show as so popular with the public, that she won a teen choice award for her roll. She then moved onto singing and only had one song released, the rest of the album did not do as well; as she had hoped. With her many romances Paris Hilton, still remains one of the most sought after women in Hollywood and continues to mingle amongst some of Hollywood's most elite. However, Paris has had her share of problems; she has had to incidents with DUI arrests within the last 3 years and is currently serving out her probationary period, due to them. She is normally the roll model for millions of young girls and is someone that little girls strive to be, but with her bout with the law, she has become somewhat of a bad girl and has had to spend the last few years, rebuilding her reputation. No matter what happens, she continues to be one of the most famous young actresses in Hollywood. The hit show "The Simple Life" continues to entertain audiences and seems to be doing quite well with ratings. She and best friend Nicole Richie still have plans to continue the show and even would like to try to direct a few episodes, in the upcoming season. Whatever, Paris Hilton does; I am sure she will be successful and if acting or singing does not work out for her, she stands to inherit the 'Hilton Hotels' Dynasty with her sister Nikki and two younger brothers. She will always be apart of the one of the most prestigious families and will always having the capacity to stay in the limelight. There are hundreds of websites that praise Paris Hilton and show you how dedicated her fan base truly is. Her music is available in stores and you can rent previous seasons of "The Simple Life" on DVD. "The Simple Life" is currently in season right now and can be watched every week, take a look, the show is said to be quite entertaining and funny and after all; it is a hit reality show. Paris, she is fabulous and famous and will continue to impress. At end, I'd like to share cool website with more information on topics like Paris Hilton [] and Paris Hilton News []. Visit for more information. Article Source: Article Source:

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