Gara-Gara Mabuk, Laki-Laki Ini Berhvbungan 1Ntim Dengan Knalpot Mobil, Begini Nasib Dirinya

Gara-gara Mabuk, Pria Ini Berhubungan Intim dengan Knalpot Mobil, Begini Nasib Dirinya

Seorang laki-laki berusia 24 tahun asal Kansas telah dijatuhi sanksi percobaan satu tahun alasannya yaitu mencoba berafiliasi intimdengan knalpot mobil.

Ryan Scott Malek mengaku bersalah atas sikap cabul dan mesum yang dilakukannya pada  1 Mei kemudian di Newton.

Dalam laporan polisi pada bulan Juni, Malek telah melaksanakan banyak sekali perjuangan untuk behubungan intim dengan knalpot kendaraan yang sedang terpakir di sebuah apartemen.

Saat polisi tiba di kawasan kejadian, Malek ternyata sedang berusaha memasukkan alat vitalnya ke dalam knalpot mobil.
Tahu bahwa polisi datang, Malek justru terlihat tidak peduli dan tetap melanjutkan aksinya.

Hingga para polisi berusaha menghentikannya dari agresi aneh tersebut.
Malek tercatat mabuk dikala melaksanakan tindakan mesum itu
Polisi menyampaikan bahwa Malek mabuk pada dikala melaksanakan hal itu, bahkan polisi mencatat kadar alkohol yang diminumnya empat kali dari batas hukum.

Tanggapan pertama menyampaikan bahwa Malek 'tidak sadar' dengan apa yang beliau lakukan, dan perlu diperbaiki oleh petugas.

Malek mencoba behubungan intim dengan knalpot mobil
Polisi harus memborgolnya dan  membawanya ke rumah sakit setempat untuk perawatan.

Enam saksi lain dikatakan berada di kawasan kejadian pada dikala Malek melaksanakan kekerabatan intim aneh itu, berdasarkan dokumen pengadilan.  

Dokumen tersebut mencatat bagaimana Malek secara tidak sah, dengan sengaja dan terbuka mengekspos alat vitalnya atau mengekspos alat vitalnya di hadapan orang lain yang bukan pasangan dari pelaku yang tidak menyetujui hal itu dengan maksud untuk membangkitkan atau memuaskan hasrat seksual diri sendiri atau orang lain.

 Pria Ini Berhubungan Intim dengan Knalpot Mobil Gara-gara Mabuk, Pria Ini Berhvbungan 1ntim dengan Knalpot Mobil, Begini Nasib Dirinya

Daily Mail
Malek dieksekusi satu tahun percobaan dan denda USD 200

Daily Mail
Surat sanksi untuk Malek dari kepolisian Newton, Kansas
Pada Februari lalu, Malek pernah ditangkap alasannya yaitu penyerangan dan penggunaan senjata mematikan, melansir laman Daily Mail.

Who wouldn't want to visit the enticing capital of France at least once in a lifetime? Getting away from the Charles de Gaulle International Airport on arrival may not be as easy as it sounds as the terminals are all spread out. If you have booked your accommodation in one of the luxury hotels in arondissement, so much the better for you. This simply means that you can get by to sites like the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, and Musee Louvre et al rather easily. If you happen to be on business with sights set on some after-work leisure travel, we recommend the Normandy Hotel which has a conference centre and a business centre as well as six conference rooms of varying sizes. But if you are in the mood for some history and culture along with tradition, we strongly advocate the Edouard VII Opera which is bang next to the Parisian Opera. It is also one of the few hotels in Paris that accepts pets. These are just instances of good, comfortable accommodation. Paris is a beautiful city with lofty cultural values apart from being the hub of European chic. Getting around is easy. You can take a cab and drive to various spots, although we might as well warn you that French traffic is pretty unruly with pedestrians - especially - showing little concern for traffic rules. If you are living in one of the Paris luxury hotels in the arrondissement you might consider taking a walk around. There's plenty to do and see even as you take a stroll beside the Seine down to the imposing cathedral of Notre Dame with its filigreed portals, doorways, not to mention sculptures, nave and the organ. Right next to it is the a la mode Pompidou Centre and the Arc de Triomphe. Other cultural centre-pieces are the Musee Louvre which houses the famous Mona Lisa among other masterpieces and the Musee D'Orsay which houses its impressive Rodin collection. The sophistication of Le Paris doesn't end with its magnificent history and culture. The city is also home to one of the world's best-known universities- the Sorbonne. But if you wish to get into the very soul, the skin of the city, we suggest you stop by at the cafes known for informed exchanges between artistes of various genres, take tour buses around the city, try French café au lait at food stands, speak to the artists sketching away furiously beside the Seine... in short live it up a la Paris! We also recommend that you take the subway train or TGV (pronounced as 'Tay Jhay Vay') at once a day to travel to suburban Paris and enjoy the various sights and sounds of the city. And if you are traveling out, say to London or within continental Europe we suggest you don't catch the flight out, take the Eurostar train instead. The experience will be nothing short of unforgettable. Mike Greaves is a self-made entrepreneur, a well known travel consultant and internet marketer. Over the years he has travelled across the world and has numerous writings credited to his name in many renowned publications. His areas of writing include travel experiences including reviews of Luxury Hotels Paris, Luxury Hotels and Beach Resorts. Article Source: Article Source:

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