Butuh Perjuangan, Dari Balkan Ke Makkah, Muslim Makedonia Ini Berangkat Haji Dengan Bersepeda

Dua laki-laki muslim dari kota Tetovo, Republik Makedonia, melaksanakan perjalanan haji menuju Makkah, Arab Saudi dengan bersepeda. Kedua laki-laki beretnis Albania tersebut berencana menempuh perjalanan hingga dua pekan lamanya.
Ialah Amir Aslani dan Senad Idrisi, dua laki-laki yang nekat berhaji dengan mengayuh sepeda. Padahal jarak tempuh mereka tidaklah singkat alasannya ialah harus melalui antar benua. Rute yang mereka ambil yakni dari Makedonia, melewati Albania, kemudian ke Yunani. Setelah itu, mereka akan menyeberangi Laut Aegea menuju Republik Turki.
Rute selanjutnya dari benua Eropa menuju Afrika dengan menyeberangi Laut Tengah menuju Mesir. Setelah itu menuju benua Asia dengan melalui Teluk Aqabah. Mereka akan menaiki kapal menuju Hijaz kemudian melanjutkan bersepeda hingga hingga di Makkah dan Madinah.
Saat ini, mereka telah melalui wilayah Albania meski harus mengayuh sepeda di tengah hujan. Pasalnya, ketika itu mereka berangkat di pergantian musim. Sisa perjalanan nanti pun akan di hadapi keduanya di tengah teriknya isu terkini panas.
“Kami telah menghadapi hujan lebat di Albania. Kami sadar bahwa kami akan bersepeda melalui kondisi isu terkini panas yang terik selama sisa rute. Kami siap menghadapi banyak sekali tantangan,” ujar Aslani, dilansir aboutislam.com, Selasa (10/7/2018).
Baik Aslani maupun Idrisi sadar betul akan kesulitan yang akan mereka hadapi. Namun mereka tetap tetapkan pergi dengan bersepeda. Pasalnya, kedua perjaka yang merupakan pesepeda pro tersebut ingin mencicipi kesulitan umat Islam demi menunaikan ibadah haji. “Kami ingin mengalami kesulitan yang dihadapi umat Islam,” ujar mereka.
Namun bersepeda menuju tanah suci ini bukanlah agresi nekat tanpa persiapan. Kedua perjaka muslim tersebut telah melaksanakan persiapan yang sangat matang. Salah satu persiapan keduanya yakni dengan berlatih selama dua tahun lamanya.
“Kami berlatih selama dua tahun untuk melaksanakan perjalanan panjang ini,” tutur Idrisi.
Aslani dan Idrisi pun mempunyai impian lain hingga tetapkan bersepeda menuju tanah haram. Keduanya ingin menjelajahi jejak-jejak Islam di sepanjang perjalanan, terutama di Turki dan Mesir. Selain itu, keduanya pun ingin menunjukkan pola kepada perjaka muslim semoga bersemangat menunaikan ibadah haji.
“Selain Haji, kami juga ingin mengunjungi situs bersejarah di Turki dan Mesir. Kami (juga) ingin memotivasi orang lain dan generasi muda untuk menunaikan Haji,” pungkasnya.
Republik Makedonia merupakan salah satu negara kecil di semenanjung Balkan, Eropa Selatan. Negara ini juga dikenal dengan sebutan Republik Makedonia bekas Yugoslavia (RMBY) atau dalam bahasa Ingris disebut Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).
Muslim mengambil presentase lebih dari sepertiga populasi negara yang pernah menjadi wilayah Turki Utsmani tersebut. Sensus di tahun 2010 mencatat populasi muslim mencapai 39,3 persen dari total penduduk. Angka ini bahkan diprediksi akan terus meningkat. Di tahun 2050, jumlah muslim diprediksi akan mencapai lebih dari setengah penduduk Makedonia, dan agama Islam diprediksi akan menjadi agama terbesar di negara Balkan tersebut.
“Dalam 35 tahun mendatang, persentase muslimin di Makedonia akan mencapai 56,2 persen. Menggeser posisi umat Katolik Ortodox yang menjadi kelompok lebih banyak didominasi ketika ini,” ungkap Pew Research Center, dikutip dari Republika.
Saat ini, Islam di Makedonia merupakan agama terbesar kedua sesudah Ortodox. Umat muslim di sana sebagian besar beretnis Albania dengan jumlah lebih dari 500 ribu jiwa. Etnis tersebut bahkan mengambil 25 persen dari total populasi Makedonia. Hal ini tak mengherankan alasannya ialah wilayah Makedonia bertetangga bersahabat dengan Albania yang dikenal sebagai negeri muslim di tanah Eropa.
Adapun etnis orisinil Makedonia yang memeluk Islam diperkirakan jumlahnya antara 40 hingga 100 ribu jiwa. Mereka merupakan keturunan warga yang sebelumnya beragama Ortodox kemudian memeluk Islam di masa kesultanan Turki Utsmani.
Sebagaimana muslim Eropa pada umumnya, muslim Makedonia juga menghadapi tantangan yang sama, yakni islamophobia. Kampanye anti-Islam dan diskriminasi juga dirasakan muslim Makedonia meski jumlah mereka cukup besar di negara tersebut.
A trip to Paris is a dream come true for many of us. But the financial crisis and the lingering recession may have you second guessing or even postponing that dream trip to Paris. Familiarity and bit of inside knowledge are often the key to enjoying your vacation without breaking your budget and Paris is no different. So let's take a look at the ways that Parisians stretch their euros so we can enjoy the wonders of one of the most magnificent cities the world has to offer. Free entry to museums and cathedrals - There are over 180 museums and monuments in Paris many of which offer free entrance at specific times. Almost all churches and cathedrals offer free admission daily (except for la Sainte Chapelle), but you may need to pay an extra fee to visit the crypts or climb the towers (e.g. Notre Dame Cathedral). Many major museums, including the big favorites such as the Louvre, Musée d'Orsay, Musée Rodin and Musée Picasso, offer free admission the first Sunday of every month. The same museums, plus many more, offer free admission daily to citizens of any nation of the European Union who are under 26 years old and to children and youths under 18 years old, regardless of nationality. The Paris Museum Pass - Museum lovers who plan to visit lots of museums should buy the Paris Museum Pass. The pass allows unlimited entry to over 60 museums and monuments, including the Louvre Museum, Château de Versailles, the Musée d'Orsay, the Rodin Museum, the Picasso Museum, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Sainte Chapelle. You can visit any number of participating museums, without waiting in line, during the pass' period of validity (2, 4, or 6 days). Anybody who wants to see as many museums as possible during a short visit, also needs to manage their time. So one of the most attractive features of the Paris Museum Pass is the ability to visit museums without waiting in line to buy tickets. Free concerts Paris has a great deal to offer music lovers. If you're fortunate enough to have a flexible schedule, you should be sure to consider visiting Paris during the Summer when you can experience the Fête de la Musique (June 21) or the Free Summer Jazz concerts held every weekend in the Parc de Vincennes. If you're time is not so flexible, you can still take advantage of the free concerts that are frequently offered at the Maison de Radio France. Dates and times vary, but a schedule and free tickets can be collected in the office at, 116, avenue du Président Wilson, 75016 Paris. Shop for designer clothes at department store sales and designer outlets - Paris is the capital of fashion and the home of myriad designers and labels. The high priced boutiques along the Rue du Faubourg St Honoré and luxury labels such as Hermes and Louis Vuitton may only be accessible to the few, but savvy shoppers can pick up close outs or seconds of designer outfits for huge discounts at designer outlet stores. Inside the Paris city limits, the Mouton à 5 Pattes on the Boulevard Saint Germain is a favorite, as well as the many ready-to-wear shops found in the 14th arrondissement, on the rue d'Alésia. If close outs aren't your thing, big department stores like Bon Marché, Galleries Lafayettes and Printemps have twice yearly sales in January and July, typically discounting designer duds by up to 70%. Visit the Flea Market - The world famous Paris Flea Markets are a shopper's delight and a good way to spend an afternoon, whether or not you're planning to buy something. The largest of the Flea Markets is located at Porte de Clignancourt to the North of Paris. A huge selection of art, antiques, clothing and many other items are on sale. Entry is free and the atmosphere is reminiscent of the Great Bazaars of Middle Eastern cities like Cairo and Istanbul. Visit the Paris Opéra - Paris boasts two great opera houses: the Opéra Bastille and the Opéra Garnier. The Opéra Bastille is the newer of the two. It opened in 1989 and claims that every seat offers a clear view of the stage. The neo-Baroque Opéra Garnier is a renowned architectural masterpiece and the home of the Paris Opéra Ballet. It opened in 1875 and seats over 2000 people. Tickets for performances at either opera can go for over 100EUR for the best seats, but the cheapest seats (which may not always offer a great view) often cost less than 10EUR. Visit a Paris Cabaret - Cabarets like the Moulin Rouge, Crazy Horse and Lido are Paris institutions. While tickets featuring dinner and a bottle of champagne can cost up to 200EUR or more per person, most cabarets offer tickets that allow you to see the show for much cheaper by going to the second performance (without dinner) purchasing a ticket to the afternoon matinee, a ticket without drinks, or a seat at the bar. These cheaper tickets cost about 80EUR. Eat a good meal outside of the Paris City Center - Most areas that tourists are likely to visit (the Champs-Elysées, Saint Germain, Marais) can be much more expensive than less central, but still very nice neighborhoods. Paris offers many neighborhoods with concentrations of ethnic restaurants that are good, yet affordable. Authentic Indian restaurants can be found on the Rue Brady in the 10th arrondissement, as well as the area north of Gare du Nord. The area in the 13th arrondissement just south of Place d'Italie is Paris' Chinatown and many affordable Chinese restaurants can be found here, as well as along the rue des Gravilliers in the 3rd arrondissement. Get a cheap Paris Airport transfer - Getting from the airport to the Paris city center can be expensive! Taxis typically cost 40EUR - 60EUR, depending on your destination, time of day and traffic. But a ticket on the Metro only costs 8EUR50. If you have too much baggage for the Metro, consider the shared airport shuttle which can cost as little as 17EUR per person. Rent a Paris Vacation rental apartment - Hotels in Paris aren't cheap, so if you're planning to stay for an extended period or if you're more than two people in your group, a short-term vacation apartment rental is a good option that will also allow you to cook your own meals and get a better ideal of what it's like to live like the locals do. All things considered, with just a little bit of advance planning, some of the most desirable attractions that Paris has to offer can be available to you absolutely free of charge or for a much more reasonable price than most tourists typically have to pay. www.parisnet.com www.parisnet.com/info_airplane.html Joshua Green lived in Paris for over ten years and writes about travel and tourism. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Joshua_Green/7773 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2684208

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